Sunday, May 5, 2019

Do you know dog agility?

Do you know dog agility?
Can dog coats help?

What is dog agility?

Have you ever seen a dog run an agility course?  Do you even know what dog agility is? I didn't, until recently. It's a sport in which the dog and handler (their human) work to get the dog through a series of obstacles in the right order and as quickly as possible. 

The dogs have a blast!

I don't know the sport very well and have never had a dog that I did agility with.  But what I do know is that those dogs almost always look like they are having a blast!  I think of it as I think a dog would; time with the human, one on one, doing something fun.  Sounds like a great thing to me.

These people REALLY take care of their dogs.

I started watching it a few years ago when I started going to agility trials to sell my stuff.  I love how much fun the dogs have and their people with them. I also love how in tune with their dogs these people are.  They can direct them through the course with a movement of the shoulder or a look of the eye.  Looks alot like a dance.

These people care about the well being of their canine partner.  They know if their pup needs a different diet, or is "off" physically.  They get their dogs a massage or chiropractic treatment.  They buy the expensive food or feed special raw diets.  They buy coats and cool coats (good for business here!). And they love to talk about their dogs and the progress they've made as a team.

The better the dogs feel, the better they compete.

I have learned so much from talking to these dog lovers.  They know how much better their dogs do if they feel good.  That's why I sell so many cool coats at a dog agility trial.  The dogs run out of steam pretty quickly in 80 degree plus heat. A cool coat helps them feel comfortable and ready to compete instead of limp like a wet noodle. And especially important, keeping their dogs cool greatly reduces the risk of heat stroke.

Likewise, in cooler weather, dog coats help.  Injuries happen all the time for lots of different reasons.  Higher drive dogs like those who enjoy agility, put extra stress on their bodies to make those great runs.  Muscles tear easily in dogs just like they do in people and keeping those muscles warm helps keep the dogs happy and sound for a whole lot longer.

Where can I find dog agility competition and clubs?

You can find clubs that are local or nationwide by looking on the internet.  AKC has many dog agility trails, as does NADAC or USDAA and other smaller clubs.  All you have to do is look at their sites to find out where they are, who to talk to and when practices or competitions are held.  It is a sport that is for beginners and experienced dog agility competitors alike.

I don't know if I'll ever actually compete in dog agility.  It takes a lot of time and patience, as well as a dog that is condition for the work.  But I have certainly learned to appreciate what these teams do and how much fun they have together.

If a custom dog coat sounds like a good idea, you might want to check out  I make every coat just for your dog. And if you are interested,CLICK HERE to sign up for my email. You get 20% off your first order and all the inside info on sales and updates!

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